Document Actions

Steffen Ehrmann



 Curriculum Vitae



 Research Interests


My research interest lays in understanding ecological processes and systems in general and with a focus on synecology. I am curious about exploring methods such as decision trees and artificial neural networks to gain a better insight into the complex interactions comprised in ecological systems. I think ecosystem services are an interesting and promising tool to make ecosystem research more appealing and intuitive.

For my PhD I am working on relating biodiversity with ecosystem (dis-)services such as tick abundance, the prevalence of lyme disease and carbon sequestration in landscapes with different degrees of fragmentation and landuse-intensity.


 Current Research Projects


  • smalFOREST (Biodiversity and ecosystem services of small forest fragments in European landscapes), BiodivERsA, EU Framework Programme VII.




Reports and Theses

  • Ehrmann, S.; Schützenmeister, A.; Piepho, H.-P. (2010): Statistik mit R - Vorlesungsbegleitendes Skript zur Einführung in R. University of Hohenheim.


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