The Bavarian radio - Bayern2, broadcasted on "Nature as a soundscape". You can find the broadcast here.
Sandra Müller gives an interview at the TAZ on soundscape ecology. You can read the interview here.
We congratulate to your PhD-defense Jan Helbach!
Title of the dissertation:
"Quantifying the effects of resource heterogeneity and structural complexity on vegetation in forests with retention management"
Herr Michael Lueth offers moss-excursions this winter.
The science magazine nano from the TV-station 3sat reports on "W³: Win-Win im Weinberg".
The video can be found here.
Radio Corax reports on ecoacoustic implications of insect decline. Listen to it here.
P.S. An while you are there check out the "bird of the week"
The university report on our intitiative on accessible excursionens.
You find the article here.
The TV station ZDF, within its programme planet e, has reported about our work within the "Silent Cities" project, where the consequences of the Corona-related Lock-down on the acoustics of cities will be investigated.
You can find the report here.
The German National Academy of Science Leopoldina has published today a discussion paper (with a corresponding long documentation) about the global biodiversity crisis, with Michael Scherer-Lorenzen as co-author.
You can find these documents here.
The broadcasting service SWR reports in its feature "SWR Aktuell Global - das Umweltmagazin" about our work on Soundscape Ecology: "Wie klingt Artenvielfalt?".
You can find the Podcast here.
The Süddeutsche Zeitung reports about the recent Citizen Science Projekt Dawn Chorus, where people are invited to record the bird dawn chorus. It also reports about our work on Soundscape Ecology.
Uni-Radio Freiburg has broadcasted a short report about our new project Dr.Forest, which investigates the relationship between forest biodiversity and human health. Here is the link to the record.
The magazine "P.M. Wissen" of Servus TV has reported about our work on Soundscape Ecology. See here.
Together with the "Freiburger Akademie für Universitäre Weiterbildung (FRAUW)", the Chair of Geobotany is offering for the first time a certificate for plant species identification, with a focus on Southwestern Germany. It follows the well-tried system from Switzerland.
Please find more information here: FRAUW.
The second and completely re-worked edition of the textbook "Plant Ecology" is published, with Michael Scherer-Lorenzen as co-author.
The magazine P.M. reports about our research in Soundscape Ecology (11/2019): "Der Klang des Lebens".
The German television channel ARD reported in its online Magazin "[w] wie wissen" about our research on soundscape ecology. It focuses on the PhD work of Taylor Shaw, who analyses the acoustic diversity of the Black Forest.
P.S. We still seek funding for Taylor´s work...
Our elective module "Geobotanical Excursions" was awarded with the annual teaching prize of the Faculty of Biology. We are very happy about this award.
Here you can find a nice video about our research within the HILLSCAPE project in the Swiss Alps.
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