
Dr. Charles Nock

Postdoc Forest Functional Diversity

 Curriculum Vitae

Since 04.2014: Postdoc, Chair of Geobotany, Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg. Forest Functional Diversity.

2012-2014: Postdoc, Dept. of Biology, Center for Forest Research, Université du Québec a Montréal. IDENT BEF experiment with trees.

2010-2012: Postdoc, Dept. of Biology, Center for Forest Research, Université du Québec a Montréal. NSERC-Hydro Québec Industrial Research Chair on the Control of Tree Growth.

2007-2010: PhD in Forestry, Institute of Botany, BOKU Vienna. Tropical forest productivity and global change.

2004-2006: MSc in Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto. Canopy dynamics and LAI in temperate forests.

1999-2003: BSc (Hons) in Biogeography, Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto. 

Research Interests

 Forest Ecology, Global Change Ecology, Plant Ecophysiology, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function

 Current Research Projects

BIOTREE - BIOdiversity and ecosystem processes in experimental TREE stands

CheapPAR: Construction of a novel light sensor and logging system for highly replicated quantification of light-use by vegetation. New project funded by the Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Universität Freiburg. July 2015.

DroughtNutNet - Interactive effects of drought and nutrients on terrestrial ecosystems (in development). 
EcoLink - Linking individual plant traits to ecosystem processes using a willow model system
IDENT Freiburg - Effects of tree diversity on ecosystem function

 Past Research Projects

 coming soon


 Projektstudie IDENT: Der Einfluss der Baumartendiversität auf Ökosystemprozesse und -funktionen - die Analyse eines Experiments



 Peer Reviewed Journal Publications


Nock, C.A., O. Taugourdeau, T. Work, D. Kneeshaw and C. Messier. 2014. Urban forests on the front line. Science 343: 249.

Nock, C.A., O. Taugourdeau, S. Delagrange and C. Messier. 2013. Assessing the potential for low-cost 3D cameras for the rapid measurement of plant woody structure. Sensors 13:16216-16233.

Nock, C.A., A. Paquette, M. Follett*, D.J. Nowak and C. Messier. 2013. Effects of urbanization on tree species functional diversity in eastern North America. Ecosystems 16: 1487 - 1497.

Nock, C.A., D. Greene, S. Delagrange, M. Follett*, R. Fournier and C. Messier. 2013. In Situ Quantification of Experimental Ice Accretion on Tree Crowns Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning. PLoS ONE 8(5): e64865.

Hietz, P., B.L. Turner, W. Wanek, A. Richter, C.A. Nock and S.J. Wright. 2011. Long-term change in the nitrogen cycle of tropical forests. Science 334: 664–666.

Norghauer, J., C.A. Nock and J. Grogan. 2011. The importance of tree size and fecundity for wind dispersal of big-leaf mahogany. PLoS ONE 6(3): e17488.

Nock, C.A., P.J. Baker, W. Wanek, A. Leis, M. Grabner, S. Bunyavejchewin and P. Hietz. 2011. Long-term increases in intrinsic water-use efficiency do not lead to increased stem growth in a tropical monsoon forest in western Thailand. Global Change Biology 17: 1049–1063.

Wotton, B. M., C. A. Nock and M.D. Flannigan. 2010. Forest fire occurrence and climate change in Canada. International Journal of Wildland Fire 19: 253–271.

Nock, C.A., D. Geihofer*, M. Grabner, P.J. Baker, S. Bunyavejchewin and P. Hietz. 2009. Wood density and its radial variation in six canopy tree species differing in shade-tolerance in western Thailand. Annals of Botany 104: 297–306.

Nock, C.A., J.P. Caspersen and S.C. Thomas. 2008. Large ontogenetic declines in intra-crown leaf area index in two temperate deciduous tree species. Ecology 89: 744–753.

 Reports and Theses

coming soon

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