
Dr. Peter Hajek

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2018

Postdoctoral researcher - Department of Geobotany at the Faculty of Biology II/III, University of Freiburg

Interreg Alpine Space Project on soil conservation

Postdoctoral researcher - Agroecology Group, Department of Crop Science, University of Göttingen

Graduate assistant - Department of Plant Ecology and Ecosystems Research , University of Göttingen

PhD candidate - Department of Plant Ecology and Ecosystems Research, University of Göttingen

Research Interests

  • Forest ecology
  • Forests and climate change
  • Non-structural carbon dynamics
  • Tree hydraulics and wood anatomy
  • Tree root systems and root ecology



Bier-Schorr L, Gräser V, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Hajek P & Kurz P (2024) - Enhancement of the Plant-Accessible Phosphate Fraction in Sewage Sludge Ashes by Na+ or K+ Addition Prior to Combustion. ChemSusChem (http://doi.org/10.1002/cssc.202401744)

Decarsin R, Guillemot J, le Maire G, Blondeel H, Meredieu C, Achard E, Bonal D, Cochard H, Corso D, Delzon S, Doucet Z, Druel A, Grossiord C, Torres-Ruiz J M, Bauhus J, Godbold D L, Hajek P, Jactel H, Jensen J, Mereu S, Ponette Q, Rewald B, Ruffault J, Sandén H, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Serrano-León H, Simioni G, Verheyen K, Werner R, Martin-StPaul N (2024) - Tree drought–mortality risk depends more on intrinsic species resistance than on stand species diversity. Global change biology (https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.17503)

Kunert N, Münchinger I, Hajek P (2024) - Turgor loss point explains climate-driven growth reduction in trees in Central Europe. Plant Biology (http://doi.org/10.1111/plb.13687)

Luo S, Schmid B, Hector A, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Verheyen K, Barsoum N, Bauhus J, Beyer F, Bruelheide H, Ferlian O, Godbold D, Hall J S, Hajek P, Huang Y, Hölscher D, Kreft H, Liu X, Messier C, Nock C, Paquette A, Parker J D, Parker W C, Paterno G B, Reich P B, Rewald B, Sandén H, Sinacore K, Stefanski A, Williams L, Eisenhauer N (2024) - Mycorrhizal associations modify tree diversity−productivity relationships across experimental tree plantations. New Phytologist (https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.19889)

Jing X, Baum C, Castagneyrol B, Eisenhauer N, Ferlian O, Gebauer T, Hajek P, Jactel H, Muys B, Nock C, Ponette Q, Rose L, Saurer M, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Verheyen K, Van Meerbeek K (2024) - Leaf isotopes reveal tree diversity effects on the functional responses to the pan-European 2018 summer drought. New Phytologist (https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.19931)

Zheng, L, Barry, K, Guerrero-Ramírez, N R, Craven, D, Reich, P B, Verheyen, K, Scherer-Lorenzen, M, Eisenhauer, N, Auge, H, Barsoum, N, Bauhus, J, Hautier, Y, Bruelheide, H, Cavender-Bares, J, Dolezal, J, Zhao, Z, Fagundes, M, Ferlian, O, Fiedler, S, Forrester, D, Ganade, G, Gebauer, T, Haase, J, Hajek, P, Hector, A, Herault, B, Holscher, D, Hulvey, K, Irawan, B, Jactel, H, Koricheva, J, Kreft, H, Lanta, V, Leps, J, Mereu, S, Messier, C, Montagnini, F, Mörsdorf, M, Müller, S, Muys, B, Nock, C A, Paquette, A, Parker, W, Parker, J, Parrotta, J, Paterno, G, Perring, M, Piotto, D, Polley, H, Ponette, Q, Potvin, C, Quosh, J, Rewald, B, van Ruijven, J, Standish, R, Stefanski, A, Sundawati, L, Tilman, D, Urgoiti, J, Williams, L, Wilsey, B, Yang, B, Zhang, L, Godbold, D, Sandén, H, Ebeling, A, Schmid, B, Fischer, M, Yang, Y, Kotowska, M, Palmborg, C (2024) - Effects of plant diversity on productivity strengthen over time due to trait-dependent shifts in species overyielding. Nature Communications 15, 2078 (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-46355-z)

Kurjak D, Petrík P, Konôpková AS, Link RM, Gömöry D, Hajek P, Liesebach M, Leuschner C, Schuldt B (2024) Inter-provenance variability and phenotypic plasticity of wood and leaf traits related to hydraulic safety and efficiency in seven European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) provenances differing in yield. Annals of Forest Science (https://doi.org/10.1186/s13595-024-01227-w)

Depauw, L, De Lombaerde, E, Dhiedt, E, Blondeel, H, Abdala-Roberts, L, Auge, H, Barsoum, N, Bauhus, J, Chu, C, Damtew, A, Eisenhauer, N, Fagundes, MV, Ganade, G, Gendreau-Berthiaume, B, Godbold, D, Gravel, D, Guillemot, J, Hajek, P, Hector, A, Hérault, B, Jactel, H, Koricheva, J, Kreft, H, Liu, X, Mereu, S, Messier, C, Muys, B, Nock, CA, Paquette, A, Parker, JD, Parker, W C, Paterno, G B, Perring, M P, Ponette, Q, Potvin, C, Reich, PB, Rewald, B, Scherer-Lorenzen, M, Schnabel, F, Sousa-Silva, R, Weih, M, Zemp, DC, Verheyen, K and Baeten, L (2004) Enhancing tree performance through species mixing: Review of a quarter‑century of TreeDivNet experiments reveals research gaps and practical insights. Current Forestry Reports (https://doi.org/10.1007/s40725-023-00208-y)

Hajek P, Mörsdorf M, Kovach KR, Greinwald K, Rose L, Nock CA, Scherer-Lorenzen M (2023) Quantifying the influence of tree species richness on community drought resistance using drone-derived NDVI and ground-based measures of Plant Area Index and leaf chlorophyll in a young tree diversity experiment. European Journal of Forest Research (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10342-023-01615-3).

Münchinger I, Hajek P, Akdogan B, Caicoya AT, Kunert N (2023) Leaf thermal tolerance and sensitivity of temperate tree species are correlated with leaf physiological and functional drought resistance traits. Journal of Forestry Research (https://doi.org/1/s11676-022-01594-y).

Kunert N & Hajek P (2022) Shade-tolerant temperate broad-leaved trees are more sensitive to thermal stress than light-demanding species during a moderate heatwave.Trees, Forests and People 9: 100282 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tfp.2022.100282)

Hajek P, Link RM, Nock C, Bauhus J, Gebauer T, Gessler A, Kovach K Messier C, Paquette A, Saurer M, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Rose L, Schuldt B (2022) Mutually inclusive mechanisms of drought-induced tree mortality. Global change biology 28(10), 3365-3378. (https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16146).

Kunert N, Hajek P, Hietz P, Morris H, Rosner S, Tholen D (2021) Summer temperatures reach the thermal tolerance threshold of photosynthetic decline in temperate conifers. Plant Biology. (https://doi.org/10.1111/plb.13349)

Berthelot S, Frühbrodt T, Hajek P, Nock C, Dormann C, Bauhus J,  Fründ J (2021) Tree diversity reduces risk of bark beetle infestation for preferred conifer species, but increases risk for less preferred hosts. Journal of Ecology, 109: 26492661.

Schuldt B, Buras A, Arend M, Vitasse Y, Beierkuhnlein C, Damm A, Gharun M, Grams T, Hauck M, Hajek P, Hartmann H, Hiltbrunner E, Hoch G, Holloway-Phillips M, Körner C, Larysch E, Lübbe T, Nelson D, Rammig A, Rigling A, Rose L, Ruehr N, Weiser F, Werner C, Wohlgemuth T, Zang C, Kahmen A (2020) A first assessment of the impact of the extreme 2018 summer drought on Central European forests. Basic and Applied Ecology, 45, 86-103.

Grass I, Meyer S, Taylor P, Foord S, Hajek P, Tscharntke T (2018) Pollination limitation despite managed honeybees in South African macadamia orchards. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 260, 11-18.

Hajek P, Kurjak D, von Wühlisch G, Delzon S, Schuldt B (2016) Intraspecific variation in wood anatomical, hydraulic and foliar traits in ten European beech provenances differing in growth yield. Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 791.

Hajek P, Seidel D, Leuschner C (2015) Mechanical abrasion, and not competition for light, is the dominant canopy interaction in a temperate mixed forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 348, 108-116.

Hajek P, Leuschner C, Hertel D, Delzon S, Schuldt B (2014) Assessing the trade-offs between xylem hydraulic properties, wood anatomy and yield in Populus. Tree Physiology, 34(7), 744-756.

Hajek P, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2013) Root order- and root age-dependent response of two poplar species to belowground competition. Plant and Soil, 377(1), 337-355.

Hajek P, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2013) Intraspecific variation in root and leaf traits and leaf-root trait linkages in eight aspen demes (Populus tremula and P. tremuloides). Frontiers in Plant Science, 4, 415.



Decarsin R,  Guillemot J, Cochard H, Corso D, Delzon S, Torres-Ruiz J-M, Jactel H, Meredieu C, Mereu S, Rewald B, Hajek P, Bauhus J, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Doucet Z, Achard E, Serrano-León H, Ponette Q, Le Maire G, Martin-StPaul N (2022) Tree species diversity effects on hydraulic safety margins. 5th Xylem International Meeting, University of Würzburg

Kurjak D, Sliacka-Konôpková A, Petrik P, Hajek P, Schuldt B (2022) Xylem anatomy explains intraspecific variability of Ψ50 and d13C in European beech provenances 5th Xylem International Meeting, University of Würzburg

Williams L, Villanueva RB, Butler E, Cavender-Bares J, Couture J, Hajek P, Klama J, Kovach K, Messier C, Moradi A, Paquette A, Park M, Reich P, Rice K, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Schuman M, Stefanski A, Townsend P, Wang Z (2022) Light as a resource, stressor and cue in mediating diversity-productivity relationships in forests. Earth and Space Science Open Archive [online] URL: http://www.essoar.org/doi/10.1002/essoar.10509969.1


Helmut-Lieth-Preis für Umweltforschung 2022; Stifter: Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Köperschaftsvermögen



International Diversity Experiment Network with Trees IDENT

P-XTRACT Regionale Klärschlammverwertung mit integrierter Phosphorrückgewinnung



BSc.-Studiengang Biologie

  • Vertiefungsmodul Geobotanik (WiSe)

  • Projektmodul Geobotanik (WiSe)

 MSc.-Studiengang Biologie

  • Schwerpunktmodul II Ökologie und Evolutionsbiologie: Experimente in Evolutionsbiologie und funktioneller Ökologie (WiSe)


Master of Education (M.Ed.) Biologie

  • Freilandökologie (SoSe)

  • Ökologische Perspektiven einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung (SoSe)






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